Saturday, September 24, 2011

Following Trends

In my Family 160 Class, we have been talking about how to be cautious when presented with information, in particular, learning how to decipher whether a study or research can be regarded as creditable or not. I feel that it is really important to use this type of critical thinking when deciding on issues that will impact our families. Our professor pointed out to us that the LDS Church has slowly followed some of the trends of the world. Although about 20 years behind, some of those trends are marrying later in life, having fewer children, and both spouses working and therefore leaving the children with a babysitter. Now I know that there are many circumstances where it is necessary that both parents work, but I'm not talking about those situations. I'm referring to the spouses that feel that they need extra spending money to buy fancy things and every little thing that the world feels is a must have. If we are not careful it is very easy to fall into the trends of the world. We are surrounded by so much media: books, tv, magazines, ect all trying to tell us the best way to live our lives. We need to weed out those trends and information that will lead our families contrary to where Our Heavenly Father wants us to be.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

First Blog Post EVER!

Hey if you are reading this, Congratulations! You are so fortunate to have read and witnessed my very first blog post in my Life! Sorry if my blog looks lame as of now. I made it on my own and I haven't done much to it, however my wife knows how to work these blogs and is really good at making them cool so I'm sure she'll be helping me spice it up!