Saturday, November 12, 2011

Burden or Blessing?

Many stressful unexpected things can and will happen to us throughout our lives. Most of them will be small and insignificant. However, some will be life changing! They can change our lives for the better or for the worse. Much of how these events effect us depends on our attitudes towards what we may deal with. I have had an example of this happen in my own life that gives me a good perspective. When I was in 8th grade I had very bad acne and I had to go to a dermatologist and get shots of Acutane in my face that were so painful that my mom had to hold me down and she would cry as I was screaming in pain. Before this happened I had been fairly popular and liked by alot of people in my grade and played basketball with a bunch of the other popular kids. So after I got my acne I felt embarrassed and ashamed and didn't want to be around any of those people especially any of the girls. Looking back now I can see the blessings of that trial because of all the important lessons I learned and the changes it caused in me. I learned humility and putting myself in other people's shoes and to feel sympathy for other peoples trials and hardships. I could see the flaws that others had that I had once looked down on and now had sympathy and understanding towards them.

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