Saturday, October 22, 2011

In Marriage, Dating needs to continue with your Spouse

This week we talked about preparing for marriage. We discussed a lot of great things about how to date and what kind of things we should be looking for as we date. I hope that all that information will be used well be my classmates who are not yet married. As we discussed this topic throughout the week, I kept thinking, "how can I apply these principles I'm learning about dating into my life since I'm already married?"
One of the most important principles that we talked about was that we need to date rather than just hang out. This caused me to reflect back upon my courtship with my wife Kate. We did go on some great dates and did some really fun things. However, I do think that we may have fell into this trend of hanging out a bit too much. The interesting thing is that how you act and what you do when you date carries over to what you do when you're married. SO... I feel that my wife and I hang out too much, rather than going out and doing something, something planned, something prepared, something interesting and different. We probably sit at home too much watching too many movies.
I'm very grateful that learning about this has opened my eyes. I'm going to take my wife out on more dates. I'm going to surprise her with fun things to go do that I've planned. She always tells me that she would like that so much. Wives are so smart! I know that by dating my wife we will continue to grow closer as a couple and strengthen our marriage.

1 comment:

  1. I loved the Chinese Acrobats and I definitely saw how our attitudes changed after going on a fun new type of date! Pizza and a movie has its place but its great to get a sitter and go to cool stuff like that huh!

